Hidden Gods series
Most of my published work has been in the Hidden Gods series, which currently contains two novels and four short stories. I have quite a bit more at various stages of drafting and I can confidently say that there are six novels total and a plethora of shorter stories coming. This series is best classified as explicit historical fantasy, since I’ve laid it against history but introduced all sorts of fantastical elements which exist in our world as mythology.
This project started as an attempt to write sex-positive queer erotica and fantasy, in many historical settings, using a variety of ethnicities, body types and gender expressions. I wanted to write about it all while still linking everything together. It grew into an entire mythology, supporting world myths and enfolding them within its structure. Eventually, I plan to collect all published stories into a boxset, and the shorts will be available in an anthology.
Prophecy’s Eyes
Hidden Gods Book 1
60 Common Era
In 60 CE, Roman governor of Britain, Suetonius Paulinus, marched the majority of the legionary force stationed in that province to the Isle of Mona, headquarters of the Druidic order since time immemorial. Once there, he laid waste everything on the island, cut down the sacred groves and burned the virgin forest to the ground. With scarce time for anyone to celebrate the dissolution of thousands of years of tradition, he received word of the Iceni revolt in East Britain, centered around Queen Boudica. The island was abandoned a smoking ruin and only garrisoned years later by a different Roman force.
Yseult is the Wren’s apprentice, sent out to find candidates for the sacrifice. Dunham and Evelyn offer her hospitality as she passes through their hunting grounds. Can they be the fated two who might embody the mysterious power of the Tree? She must find out. But her method of testing is not as conventional as her mentor may have expected. It is however, faster, fortunately, as they're running out of time to make it to the sacred island.
Free on Kindle Unlimited!
Hardcover, paperback, and ebook available at: Amazon.
The Demon Gospel
Hidden Gods Book 2
67-70 Common Era
After the sacking of the city of Makor, in the Roman province of Galilee, Chana becomes a slave to a truly demonic Master—Alexander of Rome. When he brings home a powerful shapeshifter, Chana is subject to witnessing and participating in their ever-growing depravities. But the shapeshifter is just as much at the Master's nonexistant mercy as Chana is. Together they forge a secret bond, hoping that Alexander will never find out. How long can they fool a centuries-old demon?
Worse yet, Rome herself descends into chaos, going through four Emperors in eighteen months. From Nero and Otho’s suicides, through Galba and Vitellius’s bloody ends at the hands of the mob, Chana witnesses it all. As Eve and Chana learn more about the Master, they find his sinister backing behind the Empire itself. But as Eve learns to control her tremendous powers, Chana harbors the secret hope of freedom. Will she find it? How does one escape a demon?
Free on Kindle Unlimited!
Hardcover, paperback, and ebook available at: Amazon.
Five Short Stories in the Hidden Gods world:
Take a sail with Conel and Padraig as they witness two great beings passing in the night. Or fly the Rockies with Cloud Dancer as he meets someone very familiar. Natasha was just flying home when she meets a woman changes her plans and rocks her world.
And the only non-standalone short: find out what happened to Chana and Nyawela as they became part of the Worlds Tree.
Free on Kindle Unlimited!
Hardcover, paperback, and ebook available at: Amazon.
Other Works:
Leather Ever After
This being my first ever published erotica story, it holds a special place in my heart. While it has been let go from Ravenous Romance, it was picked up by Circlet Press. It is now available in print or ecopy again!
Embedded within a cast of far more skilled authors, my story answers two questions within the Blue Beard fairytale: why stay? and what happened to the last wife after she survived?