Writing Forgotten Gods…
I already had a rough version of this story when FFP accepted Beneath The Faerie Tree for publication. So I ran what I had past a few beta readers and rewrote. I was doing the same thing with the other rough story I had, which would go on to become Dragon's Surrender.
The seed of this story was born when I was taking a history class at CU Boulder about Native Americans in the Southwest US and Northern Mexico. As I expanded my world-building and history research, I really wanted to bring in areas and times that are often overlooked in my white, cis, American culture. But I knew I would need to do a ton of research to do the characters and the cultures, justice. This story is a glimpse of what I will expand into others featuring Cloud Dancer. His origin is one of the anchoring novels of the series. I’m still doing a ton more research while roughing out a first draft with ink and notebook.
Usually, I choose mortal narrators for my stories but the temptation of the tortured, brooding angel wouldn't leave me alone. Though Cloud Dancer is a Native American, his story is part of my own mythology, with edges of modern beliefs. This mythology is wholly created by me, in an attempt to suggest but not try to retell or usurp actual beliefs. For those who are interested, check out books on my Historical Research shelf at Goodreads.com.
That being said, this is a glimpse of him at a vulnerable time: despairing his endless existence, yet determined not to pass his “curse” on to another soul. As this is just a glimpse, we don't get to see what has landed him in this situation or why his powers are a curse. Though I reference the loneliness of his longevity and isolation, the reveal of why he chooses it is coming in his origin story. Current working title: A Reluctant God. Point of interest, the original working title for this piece was: The Tree and the Angel. Yeah, I know, not original. Original working titles aren’t supposed to be super sexy. Otherwise, I’d stare at a blank doc with my name on the second line instead of writing.
I am thinking of doing another short story featuring Cloud Dancer and Ethan, revealing more of Ethan's powers as the Worlds-Tree. He might even tell Cloud Dancer his real name. Comment below if you have any interest in reading another such encounter.