Writing Dragon’s Surrender…

This is actually the first story about the Tree that I wrote. It originated in a rough draft written in ball-point pen on notebook paper. 2008, a coffee shop somewhere in Brooklyn. I was in NYC visiting friends from college on my first major solo journey. They'd brought me to this coffee shop that was a taste of home (Boulder, CO; where we'd met). My friend Cam challenged us to a writing contest. I scribbled the first scenes of this story in twenty minutes, inspired by my recent travel experience.

Eight years and many drafts later (including early submissions that were rejected) it was the second story published in the series. Writing can be a short process but good writing rarely is. Editing is a fantastic collaboration to produce the best story possible, forcing the writer to grow and expand their skills. I am deeply grateful to the wonderful editorial support I received at Forbidden Fiction.

In a modern setting, I get to play more explicitly with modern concepts, like: consent, bdsm, homosexuality, etc. My historic pieces are sometimes a challenge as I search for alternate, less scientific verbage. So it is nice to relax and write a contemporary story about a one night stand that edges into the supernatural. There will be more contemporary stories, of course. I have many, many ideas for this series.

But I'll stop teasing. Comment! Review! Feedback is the reward of publication and the heroin of any author.


Writing Prophecy’s Eyes…


It all begins with an idea…